Who We Are

We are a diverse fellowship of women and men seeking to share the Good News about our Lord Jesus Christ to all people (Matthew 28:18-20).

We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He was sent by God, lived, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. Christ is the head of His church, which was established in the first century, on Pentecost, fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 2:1-47).

We share in a love for the Lord and a desire to obey God, according to His Word, the Bible (John 12:48).

We seek unity among all believers according to the Scriptures, that Jesus Christ prayed about (John 17:20-23), without denominational affiliation or private creeds. This is why we believe it is time for all Christians go back to the biblical teachings, without human traditions and start living according to God’s Word.

Teaching Salvation

We teach that God’s gift of salvation from the punishment for our sins comes only through Jesus Christ. We accept this gift by believing, repenting of sins, confessing Jesus as Lord, and being baptized for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). Baptism is the beginning of our new life in Christ (Romans 6:2-7), because we are then called to live righteously and follow God faithfully. Our whole life becomes a service to Him (Romans 12:1-2).

Studying the Bible

We study the Bible and encourage daily Bible reading, because we believe that the Bible is God’s guide for our lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We have regular Bible classes, conducted for all ages; nursery through adult, including, on occasion, special small group classes for women, men, and young adults. Individual Bible classes, correspondence courses, DVD’s, and other materials are also available.

Loving Each Other

We take seriously Christ’s command to “love one another” (John 17:21) and have tried to make this the hallmark of our congregation. We respect each other like members of an extended family, sharing joys and sorrows, and helping out when needed. We enjoy each other’s company and plan occasions to be together for small group Bible studies, meals, celebrations, and recreation.

Loving Others

We serve the community by helping people in many different ways; including a food pantry for people in need locally and nationally through Disaster Relief Effort, Inc. We also have blood pressure checks, picnics, weekly youth activities, Vacation Bible School, retreats, and prayer breakfasts, to name a few. In addition, we support a Christian School in India, Camp WaMaVa, and mission works in West Virginia and New Jersey.

We mail a nationally distributed bi-monthly publication into the community called: “House to House Heart to Heart.

We take seriously Jesus’ teaching that we are to be “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) and encourage everyone to participate in community service.

Church Leadership

We seek to follow the Biblical example of appointing church leaders in local congregations (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). We have qualified men who serve as elders (spiritual shepherds) and deacons (ministering leaders). We also have a preaching minister and a youth minister who serve under the elder’s oversight.

You are invited

We invite you to come, worship, study, and join us in serving our Lord in this community and the whole world together.

Call us at (301) 894-5412or email us if you have ANY questions so we can best serve you!

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